What if 23 men (Trump and 22 generals) signed a new Declaration of Independence to free us again from the bankers of England? 56 brave men (double 26) risked everything to sign the first Declaration. Many were tortured, ruined and killed for being traitors to the King of England. History Repeating?
Cabal History

ALL the signers of the original declaration of independence were chosen and elected as representatives of the people in the colonies and they acted in that capacity.
These generals were NOT elected by the people of the United States to represent them. They have NO authority, moral or otherwise, to sign any "new declaration".
This also, is the key flaw in all the "secret signing of a new declaration of independence" theories that have been floated out there.
The original declaration was drafted, agreed to and signed by individuals who were directly delegated the authority to act on behalf of the people's they represented. Moreover, they did NOT discuss, draft or sign the Declaration in secret, but as an open, public act empowered by the authority invested in them by The People.
I ALWAYS look forward to your thoughtful posts and responses.
It is true that the original signers were delegates and had the backing of approximately 1/3 of the people that knew our founders were trying to birth a new nation.
But once President Trump declared that we were at war, it possible that a temporary "Continuation of Government" had to be drafted and thrown in the face of the cabal we are in debt to.
Thank you for the feedback. It's much appreciated. I have a fairly decent overview understanding of Patel Patriots theory of devolution and potential CoG operations, but I'm not a fan of the secret secret declaration stuff, and I think the case for it in the context of some form of COG is weak, relies too much on sketchy assumptions and interpretations. At least to my knowledge.
A President has certain powers as a wartime president. Drafting a new declaration of independence isn't one, as far as I can see.
The EOs that Trump put in place certainly give the govt great power to refuse and push back any Cabal connections (including debt) that involve human rights abuses.
In any case, so far, I've not found any New Declaration theories that make any sense to me, and I tend to fall on the side of what seem to me to be more grounded and logically based ways of explaining what we see.
On another note, it's also worth noting that the original signers and the original declaration itself were drafted by the precursor of the people's Congress (aka the legislative branch), NOT any executive body or branch of govt.
Unless folks are using "New Declaration of Independence" euphemistically or as a mere metaphor, then I don't see how such a document could fall under the jurisdiction of the Executive, aka POTUS.
That said, thanks again for the reply.
EDIT: I should also emphasize that although I disagree with your fundamental premise, I applaud the effort to think through the situation, apply imagination and outside-the-box thinking to, well, the current situation. On that point, kudos.
This is awesome feedback and I agree that we need to think through and peer review) all of these scenarios as these events occur or are discovered.
I'd certainly be sad if a new DoI had to "rebirth" our nation since we are so close to the 250 year anniversary, but I can't help but think that maybe a DoI that dissolves the "USA corporation", their system of financial theft and the invisible prison we live in had to be formally documented.
Providing the process / path forward for nearly 200 other nations, and simultaneously educating the masses so this never happens again must be easy to follow and understand.