A must read! Sundance sees Biden being pushed out by Obama and the IC (the Deep State spooks), and it's just a matter of what price the Bidens can negotiate
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
This assumes that Bidens strings havent been cut and he is not under the thumb of the Patriots. It assumes we are not under devolution/CoG conditions.
Sundance is a good researcher but he completely dismisses that there has been a plan in place for many years, even decades, that we are now following. He goes by politics as usual and those are certainly not the circumstances we are facing.
I do still read his stuff though because he does provide some good insight and shines brilliant light on the corruption.
It is really hard to have conversation with MOST people outside of Anons these days because they look at everyting as "politics as usual", no matter how silly and over the top people and events are they are just not able to transfer that into "something else must be happenning"
To be fair everything we have seen up to now has been "politics as usual", at least on the surface. I'm frankly surprised Bidens term lasted this long. Everyone seemed to be expecting major military movements way before we got to this point. I don't blame anyone for being skeptical at this stage but I'm holding out hope until the election.
Sometimes the silliest and most exaggerated end up being the most real part though.
These people are stupid after all.
I’m totally with you.. I’ve followed Sundance since the Trayvon days and he was the first one that solidified my support of Trump. Love his research but he doesn’t give any ink to anything Q, Devolution or spiritual plan. He’s still worth the reading time!
Trayvon is when I found him too. I was a consistent poster there until the end of 2020 but havent posted since. Funny though I cant even remember the name I went by now.