Liberty and Justice for all. A wonderful dream. In general, people are not able to live and let others live in freedom (just look at the Covid lock down, masks, 6 foot distancing, and forced vaccines). There is different kinds of injustice everywhere. How is it Just to take money from people in taxes and spend it on things that they consider immoral? How is it just for our politicians to become million/billionaires when all they ever did was serve in congress? President Trump has certainly been treated unjust. I am glad that he at least has the financial resources to defend himself. Where is the justice for the January 6th people that were in Washington D.C. to ask congress to do it's job and not certify the election without investigating first? I believe God will Judge, and then there will be Justice for all.
Yes, and 100’s of people were killed in the two Boeing crashes.
Liberty and Justice for all. A wonderful dream. In general, people are not able to live and let others live in freedom (just look at the Covid lock down, masks, 6 foot distancing, and forced vaccines). There is different kinds of injustice everywhere. How is it Just to take money from people in taxes and spend it on things that they consider immoral? How is it just for our politicians to become million/billionaires when all they ever did was serve in congress? President Trump has certainly been treated unjust. I am glad that he at least has the financial resources to defend himself. Where is the justice for the January 6th people that were in Washington D.C. to ask congress to do it's job and not certify the election without investigating first? I believe God will Judge, and then there will be Justice for all.
What do you expect when you're dealing with Commies...
That was a nice way of putting it.