ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Biden's campaign secretly registered the domain TrumpsProject2025(.)com in an effort to deceive voters into thinking Trump was behind the 900 page Project 2025 paper. President Biden has shared the fake website with more than 1.5 million X users.
🪨 Solid Research Wanted 🧐

I sticky’d this up as we need a solid and concise research page on this thing with solid Anon debunking, money trail listing, and all the facts to shred this Project 2025. It’s obviously the DemoLibs “Trump Policy” Scare Tactic they’re going to all over, and we’ve got to hammer it to bits with our facts.
You’re the best Anons world wide, so let’s create a rock solid fact hammer for all Anons to use on social media please.
They paid for private registration. To obfuscate who paid for it.