ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Biden's campaign secretly registered the domain TrumpsProject2025(.)com in an effort to deceive voters into thinking Trump was behind the 900 page Project 2025 paper. President Biden has shared the fake website with more than 1.5 million X users.
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What's really funny is all the anger that none of the BLM donations, the $500 million, made it to actual Black communities.
Then point out the BLM donation page routed to Act Blue and the Dem party and all that anger just fades into a blank npc stare.
The Dems stole the money. Suddenly the BLM folks not so mad, oh and the leadership got rich off it. What a nothingburger right?
Think of all of the riots in the name of "blm" too. There was at least 500Mil, all of the corporations that donated, as well as the dumb cunts that got blm tattoo'd on themselves. I had a neighbor (blue hair) that put blm on the side of their van with some supposedly temporary paint that wasn't too temporary.