85 Billionaire Ross Perot Ran For President As An Independent, Exposing The Truth About American Political Corruption (twitter.com) posted 224 days ago by brain_dead 224 days ago by brain_dead +85 / -0 24 comments share 24 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Wow. I have never heard of him because the fake news never mentioned him. Now, I do know about a research firm called LaRouche, is it his?
BTW, pick any major international event, find out its date, and then check the articles a week or two after that date in the archive, and you will get some amazing redpills about that event.
You can find the entire archive of his publication called EIR from 1974 to present here: https://larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2024/index.html
His interview when he ran in 1980 is a pretty good watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQESap7fqY8
Thanks Bubble. I will go check.
Good old LaRouche. His groups are still active!
Always a good chat when you find them.
He’s got his nutty ideas, but don’t we all. Traditional Republican voters would do well to listen to him and use discernment.