I believe Patriots are in full control and they are either allowing or forcing these moves. Remember that this war was won before it started. What we are witnessing ( glad to be alive), is for posterity! Imagine Americans studying the history of the second American revolution, a hundred years from now! They would clearly see and understand how this entrenched enemy of humanity would do anything to stay in power! It will be a lesson intertwined within a revolution, that freedom must be guarded by future generations to ensure that it persists!
I believe Patriots are in full control and they are either allowing or forcing these moves. Remember that this war was won before it started. What we are witnessing ( glad to be alive), is for posterity! Imagine Americans studying the history of the second American revolution, a hundred years from now! They would clearly see and understand how this entrenched enemy of humanity would do anything to stay in power! It will be a lesson intertwined within a revolution, that freedom must be guarded by future generations to ensure that it persists!