They had 2 to 3 minutes of advance warning, and yet the bear-crawling rifle-toting perp got off 5 shots before he got whacked. What the hell!? Patriots were pointing directly to him!
This is the heart of Pennsylvania Deer Country. The assassins didn't even have the common decency to try even an ordinary deer-killer like a .30-30 or even a .30-06. They insulted Western Pennsylvania, and also, a former, and also, the next Presidency...
They had 2 to 3 minutes of advance warning, and yet the bear-crawling rifle-toting perp got off 5 shots before he got whacked. What the hell!? Patriots were pointing directly to him!
They were watching the rally from the outside. They were not in a gun-free zone—WHERE were their guns‽
This is the heart of Pennsylvania Deer Country. The assassins didn't even have the common decency to try even an ordinary deer-killer like a .30-30 or even a .30-06. They insulted Western Pennsylvania, and also, a former, and also, the next Presidency...
Why do you assume the crowd would be carrying a gun? I wouldn’t if anywhere near the rally, considering the supposed tight security.