I invite anyone who wishes to join us ( u/bibloop u/honestbobbin u/litecola2 and anyone else I missed) in a 40 day long fast. Coincidentally, Bibloop and I received a message yesterday morning to fast and pray for 40 days. It was Bib's suggestion that we spread the word to others and after Trump narrowly missed a bullet to his head on that very same day, I believe it's a sign that we all should be praying now more than ever. We are abstaining from carbs and alcohol and Bibloop is fasting intermittently as well. You may fast however you can, there's no rule on what sort of fast you must do.
The attack on Trump is as much a spiritual one as it is a physical one. They hope to frighten his supporters from attending any future rallies. It won't work for our faith remains unshaken. I believe Trump is protected by God and supporting him through prayer is something we can all do right now to aide him in this spiritual and psychological war.
Thanks for hearing me out. We are all in this together like family and I consider you all my digital and spiritual family.
Matthew 12:50
For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.
God bless you, fren. Getting fellow churchgoers in on it too, maybe can bring some of them finally into the win communities. Let's do this all together- pedes you don't have to go extreme, especially if you've never done an extended fast before. Start with an intermittent fast for beginners, our just start out by giving up some things you like, that ciggie or beer, candy bar, soda or whatever. I'm going intermediate IM and will move to advanced IM when ready and then we'll see where we get by day 40. But pray, pedes, pray and pray for all of us. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in the battle...
Amen ๐