Within any given timeline, you’re correct, but you’re not visualizing what I say correctly.
Why do you think so many people on this board say, “I love this timeline!”
If everything is fixed, and there’s only one timeline, there is no free will, only an illusion of it. Salvation is already determined. Prayers are already determined. God in this situation would have created some of us knowing we would sin our way into hell.
Or.. He puts us here knowing our character, from before we were ever born, and watches to see if we find our way. There are events where He does things. There are some things that may be inevitable under all timelines, but how we arrive at any place is not necessarily a given before we play it out.
Neither of us know which one of our proposals is the way things actually work, but the mechanics of this model are sound, and I like the thought of mine better.
Time is a fourth dimension beyond space. Add choice as a fifth dimension beyond time, with our souls able to move between them. God, then, is somewhere beyond that. It’s just how I think of things, fren. I saw a waking vision of it one day. Doesn’t mean I’m right, but it was beautiful
Again you're assuming a Being that doesn't have omniscience. That wouldn't be the Divine. Tests are done because whoever is doing the testing is ignorant of what the subject will do. The Divine by definition cannot be ignorant, therefore testing or seeing what someone will do isn't possible since it already knows.
Choices by finite, unknowing human beings are done within time.
Some think Angels make choices beyond time in a similar way that you think souls make choice beyond time. This is ridiculous since if they were timeless then they always existed. This is called polytheism as that would make them gods at this point. It makes more sense to say Angels exist in a different time stream rather than beyond time, so their universe/dimension might have started before ours.
Only the Divine is timeless (Always existed), everything else, including time, is contingent on Divinity. There's no such thing as a timeless choice by contingent beings that at one point didn't exist.
If you already chose to do X before time existed, then you're essentially the Divine, but since you're not omniscient, you're obviously not.
Within any given timeline, you’re correct, but you’re not visualizing what I say correctly.
Why do you think so many people on this board say, “I love this timeline!”
If everything is fixed, and there’s only one timeline, there is no free will, only an illusion of it. Salvation is already determined. Prayers are already determined. God in this situation would have created some of us knowing we would sin our way into hell.
Or.. He puts us here knowing our character, from before we were ever born, and watches to see if we find our way. There are events where He does things. There are some things that may be inevitable under all timelines, but how we arrive at any place is not necessarily a given before we play it out.
Neither of us know which one of our proposals is the way things actually work, but the mechanics of this model are sound, and I like the thought of mine better.
Time is a fourth dimension beyond space. Add choice as a fifth dimension beyond time, with our souls able to move between them. God, then, is somewhere beyond that. It’s just how I think of things, fren. I saw a waking vision of it one day. Doesn’t mean I’m right, but it was beautiful
"watches to see if we find our way"
Again you're assuming a Being that doesn't have omniscience. That wouldn't be the Divine. Tests are done because whoever is doing the testing is ignorant of what the subject will do. The Divine by definition cannot be ignorant, therefore testing or seeing what someone will do isn't possible since it already knows.
Choices by finite, unknowing human beings are done within time.
Some think Angels make choices beyond time in a similar way that you think souls make choice beyond time. This is ridiculous since if they were timeless then they always existed. This is called polytheism as that would make them gods at this point. It makes more sense to say Angels exist in a different time stream rather than beyond time, so their universe/dimension might have started before ours.
Only the Divine is timeless (Always existed), everything else, including time, is contingent on Divinity. There's no such thing as a timeless choice by contingent beings that at one point didn't exist.
If you already chose to do X before time existed, then you're essentially the Divine, but since you're not omniscient, you're obviously not.