Preview: "Today, Vice President Putin and I took a moment to reflect on the state of our nation and the safety of the republican candidate for president, Mr. Zelensky. It is with a heavy heart that my dad, back when he was a sniper at a Trump rally, told me that showering with my daughter is perfectly normal. And that Hunter, god rest his soul after he died fighting snipers in Vietnam, uhhhh......anyway."
Watched all 5 minutes of it. He was horse, another shade of orange darker, gestured randomly and too often, faked whiny passion, and spoke in broad generalities. In short, he was PERFECT. He'll be staying in the race and heading up all those Dim ballots nationwide.
Preview: "Today, Vice President Putin and I took a moment to reflect on the state of our nation and the safety of the republican candidate for president, Mr. Zelensky. It is with a heavy heart that my dad, back when he was a sniper at a Trump rally, told me that showering with my daughter is perfectly normal. And that Hunter, god rest his soul after he died fighting snipers in Vietnam, uhhhh......anyway."
Watched all 5 minutes of it. He was horse, another shade of orange darker, gestured randomly and too often, faked whiny passion, and spoke in broad generalities. In short, he was PERFECT. He'll be staying in the race and heading up all those Dim ballots nationwide.
Oh shucks, that's when Andy Griffith is on...
No way. Everyone knows Joe calls a lid at 8:00pm.
And he had maybe 10 mumbles including ‘battle box’ misstating ballot box three times.
Prerecorded in a hurry also. Teleprompter in the background and he still had fumbles.
What a disgrace Biden is an embarrassment to this country,..
When ABC put it on TV, they pulled the picture closer so you can not see the teleprompter.
He is speaking to a wall.
And what was hanging from his left wrist near his ‘I’m wasting time at an airport with flag draped coffins’ watch?
What the hell is that???
It looks like a heart bracelet or something....
Those Damn Trees DON'T EVER MOVE in the BACKGROUND!!
Here is a video