This one (and all his other posts) shows how a lawyer thinks these things…From attorney Jeff Childer’s Coffee and Covid substack:
“ 🔥 The second unanswered question [from all the Trump shooter coverage] arose from a passel of articles ironically intended to resolve a different question. The Hill ran the story headlined, “Local police officer reportedly encountered alleged Trump shooter seconds before shots fired.” They want us to know that law enforcement did notice the shooter. But wait. There’s more.
(see image in article)
Neither this article, nor any others about the same story, identified the anonymous “local police officer” who, investigating bystander reports, climbed up the ladder to see for himself. According to reports, Thomas the Shooter pointed his gun at the officer, who apparently then experienced a rapid unscheduled dismount. Or maybe he just climbed back down, which makes much less sense, given that was the end of the officer’s involvement, as far as they tell us.
Either way, quickly, so fast it all happened before the officer could do anything, the story says after threatening the laddered officer, in the span of a few seconds, Thomas the Shooter returned to his ‘post,’ coolly aimed his rifle (not sniper gear), calculated the wind speed factors, and immediately took his shots, showing the kind of clear thinking under pressure normally attributed to combat veterans and not unemployed drifters. Then Secret Service agents blew Thomas’ brains out, and that was that.
But wait. How did that giant ladder get there? The article was 100% silent on that score. Are they telling us this unemployed 20-year-old brought a long gun and a giant ladder in his small car and then carried them from the parking lot to the building without anyone noticing? Or did Thomas perhaps set up his ladder ahead of time, like the day before the event? If so, how did security miss a stray ladder leaning against a building that also happened to be the closest elevated vantage to the rally?
If the young, unemployed drifter’s planning was sufficiently sophisticated that he placed the ladder ahead of time, how did he know security would miss the ladder, on which the entire plan depended? And how did he know the roof would remain unguarded? These seem like critical unanswered questions contradicting the FBI’s conclusion that Thomas “appears to have acted alone.”
But what do I know? I’m just a lawyer, not an FBI assassination investigator. But as a lawyer, it’s way too early to say he acted alone.”
If a cop is going to climb a ladder due to a perceived threat, (according to witnesses and perhaps he even say the shooter from the ground as well) wouldn't he have his gun in his hand, prepared to fire if necessary? Seems odd he'd spend all that time climbing up a ladder and be unprepared when he got to the top. Even Barney Fife would have his weapon in hand.
IMHO He may have fired his gun off once or twice but I doubt he was the actual shooter who hit Trump I believe he was the patsy. And the aimed shots came from someone else more hidden.
I 50/50 in agreement. The patsy shooter would need enough training to be proficinet with 1 single shot. If he was the patsy. If there was a real shooter hidden who was to take the first shot, he would not have missed. He would be the best soros money could buy. He would take trump out, then the patsy would start popping rounds into the crowd as cover distraction.
I believe, and ofcourse I have no idea, the patsy shooter was the only shooter there. He was trained to take 1 shot, realized he missed, so he panicked and took a few unfocused shots till the ss took him out. That is the simplest explanation.
It’s possible the real shooter wasn’t ready to shoot bc the people there discovered the patsy and pointed him out too.soon.
Very possible
Ladder was like ordered in place by the new building owner.
It's upright/90-degree-angle/centered/flush with the wall; it looks like it's part of the building's structure.
Commercial roof ladders must meet certain code requirements. So looking into that and comparing to images could determine if the ladder is part of the building or was placed there later.
The shooter was 13 when Trump took office & 17 when ‘45s term was over. Fast fwd 3 yrs & apparently crooks has no online presence, no social media accounts, no keyboard warrior ranting. Where does the hate for Trump come from? At 20, how was crooks disenfranchised by Trump, or the fear of 47 to muster enough self motivation to attempt assassination by means of a suicide mission??
Likely his parents and/or media.
I think it was all rehearsed before hand.