posted ago by thephantom1979 ago by thephantom1979 +58 / -1

I was against Carson for VP for the same reasons that most have against him.

After thinking about it more.

Who does the Cabal hate the most besides Trump???

In my view...Clarence Thomas is the second most hated person by the Cabal. How many times have they went after thomas and he did not cave!

Thomas and Carson are both similar in personality.

What would the Cabal hate the most?

To pave the way for more of the Thomas Sowell, Walter Willlams and Ben Carson types.

The Cabal could live with Flynn or JD Vance or even Vivek.

What they cannot live with is the idea that Trump has given a voice to the Thomas Sowell types.

That would mean they are SCREWED FOR EVER!