From The Vigilant Fox 🦊 X account
No local law enforcement was on the rooftop used by the shooter.
When law enforcement was notified by citizens of the shooter, there was no prompt action at the rooftop to neutralize the shooter.
Local law enforcement failed to initiate active shooter protocol to protect Trump and the crowd.
There was no apparent communication from local law enforcement to the USSS to get Trump to a secure location.
Police snipers on the roof used binoculars to track the shooter's position and did not warn the USSS below to get Trump off the stage.
Police snipers under scope vision allowed the shooter to get set and shoot six rounds at Trump.
A police sniper got off the scope and looked with the naked eye to be sure the shooter had taken his shots and never looked down at Trump.
Finally, a police sniper shot Crooks.
No local police went up on the roof immediately after Crooks was shot to take away his gun and check on his status.
All the while, there was no active shooter protocol, and no warning was given to Trump or the audience.
Don't be a "hoser" - He's still alive and well now isn't he? Look what that event did for the movement? It's perfect.
PicRel -
^^^^ Why would they do that? Why would they move the body ASAP after it happened? Why wouldn't they rope it off for a proper forensic investigation?
Like I said...everyone's so emotional they're retarded. They don't WANT to see that everything is going according to the Plan.
It's all going exactly according to the Plan.
What you think Bidet has doubles but not Trump? Pfft...
Maybe American Gladiators is on now...
Better not interrupt the emotional shin dig...maybe there can be like 6 more posts about JFK or there being a 3rd shooter or something? So much for FACTS like EOs en sheit...Let's conveniently ignore them...Funny how nobody can dispute them...just ignore them.
I understand your frustration, but do you not see that you are also quite emotional? Many here have not had the privilege of seeing all the Q posts unfold live since the beginning, or are new here, looking for a place to find some truth. I know not all are necessarily actually frens here, but to make this the haven we all wish for, it might be helpful to act as though this is the case, IMHO fren.
Sure...but one doesn't negate the other.
What do you think is the proper reaction for those who put in the time and effort to read and understand the drops, the EOs and laws when they're met with ignorance?
That's why for the most part, I just sit back comfy and let them get it all out of their system because they're not being logical and any logical ideas thrown their way, except for a select few, is met with severe hostility. You'd think I'd made an off color joke about Jesus or something... it's gotten that bad.
Like hey brother, walk with me and let's consider this idea for a minute - no screw you for even suggesting an alternate idea than the popular narrative - I'm not even going to listen...Uh... okay? Not into verifiable facts then? The big picture? What happened to unity? I'm certainly not going to unify with hysteria...
FYI, I spent essentially Sat night until Sun night awake analyzing and archiving offline - witnessing the narrative changes, the injection of ideas, misdirection, who was doing it and the JFK Jr, Fusca sliding, all sorts of ridiculous false suppositions about a third shooter etc - with no sleep. Here, the chans and other places...In real time. I learned a LOT about a LOT, including human nature.
I've come to the conclusion that a large portion of the population doesn't really want to know what's really going on, what really happened and why. They want the quick fix/answer & I guess I hate that part about humanity if we're being honest because I feel it's that attitude, the lack of open mindedness, persistence and the drive for precise details and excellence that got us in this situation to begin with.
So yeah... back to lampin I guess... until people grow up some.
I have had almost the exact same thoughts, down to it being this kind of thinking that got us into this mess. It's closed-minded NPC-like thinking, which is what we've traditionally felt the other side did, but, as we can see, it's not that simple. Cheers, brother, and thank you for your tireless efforts!