266 THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. "It took TRUMP somehow, by some MIRACLE, getting in there and tipping over their tables in their temple to expose them what they really are and to show us what they've really been doing to us." (twitter.com) - N C S W I C - posted 221 days ago by catsfive 221 days ago by catsfive +268 / -2 21 comments share 21 comments share save hide report block hide replies
This is the most important analysis. its always the dividing, that the monsters depend on. In America today, and throughout human history. It is by far their most important weapon, once you see it, you cant un-see it.
Its their most essential weapon because there are orders of magnitude more good men than socio- and psychopathically evil men.
Excellent point.
And it's that way because we outnumber, them. The only power they have, is what we, grant them. United, they don't stand a chance. MAGA