So he had a bike, a ladder, a couple of bombs, a Ar15 with .223 ammo (box of 50), transmitter, back pack, and an encrypted iPhone. All this stuffed in his car? Nobody saw him walking or riding his bike with a rifle and ladder? Lucy you gots some explaining to do!
How did he transport a 10ft ladder from the store to the rally site?
He had a car, right? Not a truck or a van?
Im just trying to imagine this kid ratchet-strapping this ladder to the roof of his honda (or whatever). Because if you don't even get THAT part right, the ladder falls off before you get to your location.
Maybe Home Depot has the footage of him doing all that fumbling in their parking lot?
It’s more like 4 ladders each about 5.5 feet tall. Each half of the ladder is made from 2 ladders that can be extended up to 11 feet, and The middle of the “A” is actually a hinge that can open further and make it one 22 foot long ladder. The entire thing weighs about 35-40 pounds
And the ladder somehow fit in/on his compact car? And he had a bike there too. And he's single-handedly carrying that ladder AND rifle? And then at long range with seemingly no training and no scope on his rifle can make a headshot?
Carrying a rifle and the ladder at the same time by himself is certainly possible, pretty simple actually. Reach one arm through a gap between rungs, sit a rung on top of your shoulder, then (with the same arm) grab a rung further down the ladder to steady it. This would leave your other arm free to carry a rifle. The ladder linked above weighs about 35-40 pounds and is only about 6 feet tall when it’s not extended and up to 22 feet when fully extended,
As for transporting it to the rally, it wouldn’t fit inside a compact car and would would be a huge pain to secure to the roof, but I’ve heard he drove a van (haven’t seen it though). Media is also saying that the ladder he bought that morning has not been found and that he got onto the roof by climbing up from on top of the A/C handler. There are photos of a ladder there at that building, but it is a 10 foot tall, orange fiberglass step ladder.
I have heard that he was spotted walking through the field with his rifle but haven’t heard anyone say they saw him carrying a ladder,
And no security noticed him dive up, unload and place a 12-foot ladder against the building and the climb up with a long gun. Top notch security showing how DEI hires work.
Exactly. And a plained-clothed kid walking around what was SUPPOSED to be a highly secured area while carrying a LADDER didn't raise red flags???? It's not like you can hide a friggin ladder in your back pocket!
That photo was not taken by the Secret Service It was taken by local cops.
I believe it was the counter snipers who were inside the America Glass Research building. These would have been law enforcement from Beaver County. Local News reported this
Part of the issue people are having trouble with understanding this incident is he was around the event for a while, BUT he was not on the roof and he was not armed the whole time. He was moving around without his gun. He was not on the roof for 30 minutes like some people have claimed.
He was outside the security perimeter. So he didn't go through the metal detectors. The first time people noticed him, seemed to him acting weird by the metal detectors. He moved around. He was probably figuring out what to do. I don't think he had his gun with him until shortly before shooting and he only got to the roof a bit before the shooting. The guy who said he saw him crawl on to the roof, said Trump's speech had already begun when this guy got on the roof.
This is the first time someone sees him with a gun that we have heard about.
So far nobody has seen him with a ladder.
So I think he stashed his stuff nearby until he figured out what do. Also it would make sense to wait until Trump was on Stage
I think of two stages of him
At first he was a suspicious guy.
Then later he was an active armed threat.
A local LEO did try to get on the roof. As he was holding onto the ledge, Crooks pointed his gun at him and the cop let go and fell 8 feet
So he had a bike, a ladder, a couple of bombs, a Ar15 with .223 ammo (box of 50), transmitter, back pack, and an encrypted iPhone. All this stuffed in his car? Nobody saw him walking or riding his bike with a rifle and ladder? Lucy you gots some explaining to do!
Ladders ain't easy.
How did he transport a 10ft ladder from the store to the rally site?
He had a car, right? Not a truck or a van?
Im just trying to imagine this kid ratchet-strapping this ladder to the roof of his honda (or whatever). Because if you don't even get THAT part right, the ladder falls off before you get to your location.
Maybe Home Depot has the footage of him doing all that fumbling in their parking lot?
This is beyond clowny.
Kid must have gotten paid. The ladder in question is like this one. $350 bucks
I have 2 of those. Those ladders are exceptionally heavy. 22ft is 44ft worth of aluminum, plus rungs. HEAVY
I could never transport one on top of or inside of a car.
Agree, father in law has one at the cabin. He has me climb the 44ft up the side to clean the gutters. Takes both of us to walk it up.
Right. Because its built with an A-frame, its like carrying 2 ladders at once.
It’s more like 4 ladders each about 5.5 feet tall. Each half of the ladder is made from 2 ladders that can be extended up to 11 feet, and The middle of the “A” is actually a hinge that can open further and make it one 22 foot long ladder. The entire thing weighs about 35-40 pounds
And the ladder somehow fit in/on his compact car? And he had a bike there too. And he's single-handedly carrying that ladder AND rifle? And then at long range with seemingly no training and no scope on his rifle can make a headshot?
No form of mathematics can make this add up.
Carrying a rifle and the ladder at the same time by himself is certainly possible, pretty simple actually. Reach one arm through a gap between rungs, sit a rung on top of your shoulder, then (with the same arm) grab a rung further down the ladder to steady it. This would leave your other arm free to carry a rifle. The ladder linked above weighs about 35-40 pounds and is only about 6 feet tall when it’s not extended and up to 22 feet when fully extended,
As for transporting it to the rally, it wouldn’t fit inside a compact car and would would be a huge pain to secure to the roof, but I’ve heard he drove a van (haven’t seen it though). Media is also saying that the ladder he bought that morning has not been found and that he got onto the roof by climbing up from on top of the A/C handler. There are photos of a ladder there at that building, but it is a 10 foot tall, orange fiberglass step ladder.
I have heard that he was spotted walking through the field with his rifle but haven’t heard anyone say they saw him carrying a ladder,
Hyundai Sonata and a bicycle we are told.
There's a discrepancy with the ladder.
Original report was he bought a 5 ft ladder.
There's a pic of a ladder at the building, but it's much bigger.
We don't know when that pic was taken. We did see a bunch of LEO on that roof after he was killed..... so is it their ladder?
We basically have a few snapshots of him over 30 - 60 minutes.
We still have big gaps.
The bicycle may open things up. People may remember a kid on a bike loaded down even if they didn't see his face
And no security noticed him dive up, unload and place a 12-foot ladder against the building and the climb up with a long gun. Top notch security showing how DEI hires work.
Told to buy a ladder and ammo, so he did. Distraction.
How the hell do you get inside a secure area with a freaking ladder? JFK all over again.
How did he fit that big ass ladder in his Hyundai Sonata?
Exactly. And a plained-clothed kid walking around what was SUPPOSED to be a highly secured area while carrying a LADDER didn't raise red flags???? It's not like you can hide a friggin ladder in your back pocket!
Ladder AND a rifle.
EXACTLY!! Without detection or suspicion. And we're supposed to believe this story.
What are you, some kinda cOnSpIrAcY tHeOrIsT!?
Those lizard people always making fun of us conspiracy theorist! Jk friend. :)
Don’t forget the range finder!
He never went inside the secure area.
The America Glass Research building he was on, was outside the secure perimeter.
That photo was not taken by the Secret Service It was taken by local cops.
I believe it was the counter snipers who were inside the America Glass Research building. These would have been law enforcement from Beaver County. Local News reported this
Part of the issue people are having trouble with understanding this incident is he was around the event for a while, BUT he was not on the roof and he was not armed the whole time. He was moving around without his gun. He was not on the roof for 30 minutes like some people have claimed.
He was outside the security perimeter. So he didn't go through the metal detectors. The first time people noticed him, seemed to him acting weird by the metal detectors. He moved around. He was probably figuring out what to do. I don't think he had his gun with him until shortly before shooting and he only got to the roof a bit before the shooting. The guy who said he saw him crawl on to the roof, said Trump's speech had already begun when this guy got on the roof.
This is the first time someone sees him with a gun that we have heard about.
So far nobody has seen him with a ladder.
So I think he stashed his stuff nearby until he figured out what do. Also it would make sense to wait until Trump was on Stage
I think of two stages of him At first he was a suspicious guy. Then later he was an active armed threat.
A local LEO did try to get on the roof. As he was holding onto the ledge, Crooks pointed his gun at him and the cop let go and fell 8 feet
Government says . . .
He probably carried it miles to the site, took off the safety ties inside the venue and casually climbed that bitch.
Fuck You Gubmint. You Suck and may legitimate prosecution find you.
The govt thinks his ladder costs $25,000
this kid had help without a doubt..there is no way he could pull this off on his own