They don’t realize. Look at that democrat run GameStop hearing. It was totally rigged. Trump is on the side of MOASS. He’s the only one that would protect RC from infinite lawsuits. LaMayo out here today talking about treasury auctions and so on starting an economic collapse. It’s narrative seeding. It’s really shocking to see how much of our reality is manipulated.
That whole op was target towards young pissed off 1% hating lefties.
I assume they were targeted bc they more than anyone else wanted to burn it all down over feeling cheated by a rigged system.
What happens if they all of a sudden find themselves with a boatload of money, hedgies collapsed, fraudsters prosecuted and a new monetary system that serves the people and not the top????
They kick the radical commie lifestyle to the curb and move to the suburbs!
They don’t realize. Look at that democrat run GameStop hearing. It was totally rigged. Trump is on the side of MOASS. He’s the only one that would protect RC from infinite lawsuits. LaMayo out here today talking about treasury auctions and so on starting an economic collapse. It’s narrative seeding. It’s really shocking to see how much of our reality is manipulated.
The irony is that most of them know that the Democrats screwed them but they have so much TDS they went into "both sides suck" mode.
That whole op was target towards young pissed off 1% hating lefties.
I assume they were targeted bc they more than anyone else wanted to burn it all down over feeling cheated by a rigged system.
What happens if they all of a sudden find themselves with a boatload of money, hedgies collapsed, fraudsters prosecuted and a new monetary system that serves the people and not the top????
They kick the radical commie lifestyle to the curb and move to the suburbs!