Remember: OUR MISSION IS TO BE THERE WHEN THE NORMIES WAKE UP. They will be scared. Hold their hands! Cates: "We have to forgive the people who are only now CHANGING THEIR MINDS as the Overton Window quickly shifts and they begin renouncing and apologizing for their former words and actions."
Thanks for posting this. I have been saying all along that we can not, and I repeat can not, blame these people for being manipulated. I have spent thousands of hours trying to figure out why we saw it and they did not for 4 plus years.
Bottom line is that I have no idea other than we are more street savvy than they are, we are better read, or pure gut instinct, etc. It doesn't really matter why. What matters for our country to heal is to let them know we forgive them for not using their critical thinking skills.
That is exactly what I have been saying. We cannot say the normies are stupid or gullible, for they have over the last decades been exposed to the largest propaganda scheme ever. Most people succumbed to this. We luckily didn't...
We woke up but they didn't, a large number of them really are stupid and gullible.
I wonder this often myself.
I think part of it has to do with pattern recognition. Outside of that I have no freakin clue ..