posted ago by TheHumanPrimer ago by TheHumanPrimer +61 / -0

I watched the entire hearing... and didn't vomit, but wanted to.

The most important walk-away fact came when she was cornered and admitted she had been briefed by the FBI as to how many shell casings were found on the roof but refused to tell the Committee.

This proves that she was instructed (forced) by her boss, Mayorkas and Wray of the FBI to keep her mouth shut and tell them nothing. She is NOT IN CHARGE of ANYTHING... but knows everything.

If she crossed the line those two would destroy her life... if not take it. She had no choice.

This is a complete cover-up operation. By way of example, if she had said 1 shell casing, where are the other shot's shells and where did they come from. If she said 3, and later a whistleblower said no, only one the FBI is done. Only safe way was to say nothing. And this is true about any fact that might later be proven wrong.

Until all potential whistleblowers are neurtalized, we will know absolutely nothing.

This one testimonial fact literally proves this was an inside job.