Whatever happened to "white hats are in control", and "POTUS 100% insulated."?
Short of Q being able to see the actual future, and the hand of GOD, this does not look like "in control", or "insulation"
Whatever happened to "white hats are in control", and "POTUS 100% insulated."?
Short of Q being able to see the actual future, and the hand of GOD, this does not look like "in control", or "insulation"
It absolutely does, because the future is never more than probabilistic until it arrives, and for that matter unless a conscious being observes what's happening the system remains in a probabalistic state. The famous, and dead-simple, double slit experiment shows that, among other things. Furthermore, this is what allows for free will.
(from Silicon by Federico Faggin; an interesting autobiography from the man who invented and designed the first microprocessor and who is now studying consciousness; his newer Irreducible: Consciousness, Life, Computers, and Human Nature focuses more on that last topic and is excellent.)
The future does not solidify into a particular PRESENT until it is consciously observed, and it is within the probabilistic limits that we can choose our actions (free will); this is WHY, despite what Classical Physics tells us (that every present moment is precisely determined by the previous moments and every future moment is precisely determined by the present configuration of particles and energy), we can choose our actions. "We" -- our consciousness, not the mush of our physical brains -- can exercise free will, and that is only ONE reason why the future is no more EXACTLY predictable than is the weather.
Theory by nature does not make it so. Events are not made probable by conscious observations our combined conscious becomes the next moment. But I like how you almost got to quantum entanglement
Can't fit all of Quantum theory into a short comment, but yes, entanglement is damned interesting.
In any case, I wasn't saying that 'events are made probable by conscious observations" but rather that the probabilities of the future are made SPECIFIC by conscious observation collapsing the probability wave (or whatever language you prefer).
As for the effects of combined consciousness of millions / billions of people, in terms of observation or even of will and desire, I don't know what to say. It seems possible but I haven't seen anything that nails it down to more than conjecture.
Theory is conjecture