posted ago by SvixGale ago by SvixGale +69 / -0

Wanted to ensure my frens saw this.

Sec. Mayorkas tweeted this absolute garbage. I literally am speechless.


Here's contact info for DHS - light them the fuck up: https://www.dhs.gov/contact-us

Re: thread (((title))); yeah, that's right; did you know he was a (((tiny hat))) too?????

SO CRAZY that he'd camouflage himself with a hispanic / latin / ethnic-sounding name like "Mayorkas"....... EARLY LIFE CHECK.....!!!

His father, Charles R. "Nicky" Mayorkas, was born in Cuba. He was a Cuban Jew of Sephardi (from the former Ottoman Empire, present-day Turkey and Greece) and Ashkenazi (from Poland) background. He owned and operated a steel wool factory on the outskirts of Havana.[16][18][19][20] Nicky Mayorkas studied economics at Dartmouth College.[20]

His mother, Anita (Gabor),[20] was a Romanian Jew whose family escaped the Holocaust and fled to Cuba in the 1940s[21][22][23] before leaving for the United States after the Cuban Revolution.[21]

Archive link to wikipedia: https://archive.ph/XDeck