40 Democrat Nadler Blames President Trump For Assassination Attempt on His Life (VIDEO) (www.thegatewaypundit.com) 🤢 These people are sick! 🤮 posted 244 days ago by LakotaPride 244 days ago by LakotaPride +40 / -0 Democrat Nadler Blames President Trump For Assassination Attempt on His Life (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila Jerrold Nadler is a despicable liar. 21 comments share 21 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Fat Jerry has hated Donald Trump since Donald Trump gave him the nickname Fat Jerry. Which was in the '80s, if I recall correctly.
Mostly because President Trump is a winner and not a loser like he is.
Nadler is a world class loser.
He even looks the part.
Little Big Man. Or Big Little Man.
He looks like he could be from a Dick Tracy comic. Ridiculous. And, this is the new svelte Nadler. Go back and look at him in the '80s or even the '90s. It's amazing.
memory lane. He was disgusting back then also.
Go shit yourself again you Fat Fuck!!!!
Now that is something Nonads can accomplish.
For poops (literally) and giggles, lets take a trip down memory lane. The moment Jerry nadlered his pants
face it the dudes famous..every time someone mentions nadler we are all posting these gems lol
Save the projection Nonads, The people are blaming all you DS BS Puppets and your Puppet Masters.
The penguin needs to go shamble away somewhere like a hole!
Thankfully people are waking up and seeing who he really is.
Shit for brains also thinks Antifa is a Myth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26RA0NAi7Og
Thnk you for the link. He knows better. They are the Democrats little dirty secret.
tell Nadler to just go shit himself..oh yeah he already did that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mhD4hNKrpg
Thank you for the link and reminder.
Sponge Bob smear pants needs to go away!
Obviously he is smarter then the people who vote for him.
Pathetic, just pathetic.
I suspect that is the only mode he comes in.