posted ago by Datasinc ago by Datasinc +13 / -0

Let's pretend you know of a CEO in a publicly traded company that is in a death spiral caused by purposefully bad decision making.

Such as loading up debt, diluting shareholders, and selling At the market share offerings in an attempt to stay afloat.

Let's say there are numerous Overpaid CEOs like this one who were probably planted by some Wallstreet funded consultants like @BCG 💩

Now in the context of that scenario, let's call it Cellar Boxing, a Wallstreet shorting hedge fund tactic designed to bankrupt companies.

For a moment, picture an Orange Man who is trying to save the country and nearly gets deleted by the opposition because he is exposing high crimes of corruption and treason.

In the midst of a Nationwide crackdown involving the Department of Justice, SEC, and sweeping RICO case that will engulf the country...

So comes along another guy.

He's an Activist Investor, let's call him RC, and this guy wants to Buy All The Stocks.

So RC makes a deal with the SEC, DOJ, and begins reaching out to candidates who want to WORK.

What is this WORK?

An offer to be part of something.

A turnaround strategy, let's call it Project TEDDY.

Now these overpaid CEOs cannot refuse because TEDDY will Make Everything Great Again (MEGA).

As it turns out, Teddy is a MEGA Corp and will combine multiple companies through a series of mergers and acquisitions involving Depository Units in a 7 for 1 securities and derivatives swap.

This 741 is a reverse uno play, an anti-cellar boxing strategy put together by RC and Orange Man.

So these corrupt, bad decision making, and planted CEOs have one choice: get with the program or face federal prosecution in a RICO trial of the century.

Orange Man and RC then tag team for a wombo combo to squeeze the shorting hedge funds, but little does anyone know that it's part of a larger strategy that will unleash Agenda 47, an ultra top secret Plan by Quelle.

The public is in outrage and seemingly have no idea what's happening because it's setup like a movie with great actors.

So there's lots of Oooh's and Aaaah's, followed by angry shaken fists, bewildered head tilts, and a meme about not being a cat.

Next comes along some random internet stranger who shares this post with you because he's shadowbanned 3x and has discovered this entire play due to obsessive digging and curiosity.

Now imagine this is the wildest story you've ever heard of but you can't unsee it, so this stranger shares a link with you to learn more:

🎯 https://linktr.ee/teddymegacorp

Credit to https://x.com/edwinbarnesc

More indepth here - https://x.com/edwinbarnesc/status/1767794099376345428