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Unredacted RKI protocols lay bare the entire Covid farce yet again


Freedom of Information in Germany has confirmed what we all knew: it was nonsense.

The Robert Koch Institut is the German equivalent of the American Centres for Disease Control; they are our primary public health authority, and as such they were central to the management of the Covid pandemic in Germany.

The heretofore secret protocols of their “Covid Crisis Team” are now available unredacted and nearly in their entirety. In what follows, I assemble some samples for you. ...

Pretty much what you'd expect: a whole lot of spin. They wanted a psy-op, they crafted messages accordingly.

But unlike the USA, where Fauci seemed to be calling the tune for the Trump government, who were forced to go along in the name of "science", in Germany it was all driven at the political level and the RKI were asked to provide "data" to back up what the politicians had already decided to do (with respect to lockdowns, vaccines, and testing).

...The RKI are not where the most important decisions were made, they are merely where everybody was supposed to believe they were being made. ... The role of RKI epidemiologists and virus prophets like Drosten was merely to provide a pandemic fiction that would justify whatever it was the politicians already wanted to do.

This is an important point; the Deep State is not everywhere. There are only a finite number of "bad actors" in key posts controlling a lot of people who were manipulated/forced into doing stuff. When the Deep State bad actors are removed, other parts of society can begin to function more or less normally. This RKI in Germany, for example, seems to have had the data at hand and the brains to put it all together to know it was a farce. Had they not been manipulated at high levels, they would have been able to say the truth. They may have been cowardly, but they were not corrupt.

So, without the Deep State, we ordinary folks can/will rebuilt as decent and honest a society that sinful human beings can do this side of heaven. We will need to work on character (honesty, integrity, courage) as that is the common fate of humanity. But the intense evil that was behind the "Covid" farce is finite in number and power.

There is hope.