Military intelligence wanted an army of anons to build back-channel communications so Trump could bypass the media and disseminate contextual information directly to his supporters. In real time, in ways that couldn’t be shut down, not manipulated by moderation but rather analysis improved by actual human minds coming together to foster comprehension. AND figuring things out for themselves, using their own brains, to deduce, reason, and think for themselves, and error check their own work. To be critical of their own conclusions. Take ideas and trends to their natural conclusion, and even work backwards to check and make sure prior assumptions weren’t faulty.
This backchannel allows Trump to give detailed commentary on his public statements, and to verify that he did indeed imply dual meanings, or he was giving a hint toward future action, or he is confirming that some event was the doing of the military.
The backchannel coms allow Trump to point out wolves in sheepskins. He can also point out Andy Kauffman type characters that appear to be enemies but are really allies playing a role. Subjects can be discussed and researched that are outside the Overton window.
The backchannel has also kept millions of people from black-pilling and dropping out of the war, or to at least come back years later once they realize that the plan is still going as planned.
How many of us have stepped away, only to come back after realizing that only 'my' assumptions were wrong and not the Military.
Without backchannel coms, we would not know that Q has prior knowledge of everything that happens, including assassination attempts, and the implications of that truth.
We can also wage memetic war against the enemy. While researching. Either collectively or individually. Whatever we feel like. At our leisure. We can also save images and videos before they are scrubbed. We have information platforms like Ruble where we can yell at Burning Bright or Jon or Patrick or Just Human for being controlled opposition or tip them $45 depending on how we feel.
We have no overlords or Scientologists visiting our homes or work places to harass us or demand we share our intimate secrets or hand over our bank accounts.
Meanwhile, our family members who inject themselves with poison, give their money to communists, castrate themselves, can only speak in platitudes right out of Idiocracy, and are completely ignorant of history, call us cult members.
And after the precipice we will be calm and empathetic to those around us, and we can either help them to understand or we can just say:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
We warned you.
You are stupid.
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When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or stable [livestock kept – sheep]. When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’. "Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.
Spot on! You explained what I believed eloquently! I do not have the literal expertise to dimulgate!