Seymour Hersh: Barack Obama Forced Joe Biden to End Reelection Bid by Threatening 25th Amendment "After Breakfast on Sunday" | T...
Leading investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed inside details of how the Obama-run Deep State forced the acting “President of the United States” Joseph R.
i am waiting for Biden to get his revenge on Obummer....
All the Bidens
Buyden feels betrayed and why he fought back. I suspect Obummer and the rest of them will all be exposed soon. Archbishop Vigano started the ball rolling today.
Once again President Trump was right. He told joe that the 25th Amendment would come back and bite him in the ass.
You would have thought by now they would have started listening to President Trump.
I love how they call him Michael at the end of the article!
And Archbishop Vigano exposed them today really well.
Remember when it “leaked” that Obama told Biden he “didn’t have to do this”
Wonder how that evolved from sounding like some falling on the sword scenario to a no, I don’t think I will scenario so quickly.
Probably like all liberals, once they gain an ounce more power all they want to do is abuse it
didn't Renegade also say something along the lines of, don't under estimate Joe's ability to F things up?
I remember the leak and also. I suspect the more Buyden was exposed the faster they needed him gone to keep their base. I suspect Buyden took it as being sold out and fought back. Now they are trying to salvage what they can with horizontal but I suspect she will be replaced soon.
They all want the power based on greed.