Starting with your local Community and working outwards. a common understanding of a successful strategy forward. A Harmonious global trading partnership between all good Nations. Any culture that wants to contribute will succeed.
As it was in the begining so shall it be in the end.
This centralization, ‘conquer the world’ movement had been going on for thousands of years. Even before Julius Ceaser. Someone has wanted to rule the world.
Starting with your local Community and working outwards. a common understanding of a successful strategy forward. A Harmonious global trading partnership between all good Nations. Any culture that wants to contribute will succeed.
As it was in the begining so shall it be in the end.
This centralization, ‘conquer the world’ movement had been going on for thousands of years. Even before Julius Ceaser. Someone has wanted to rule the world.
With connection and advancement the future is Humanity's Oyster. The people can now easily control the flow of economics.