So, last night Kamala says "ThanQ" 17 times to start her "rally" And this is today's Delta
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I'm always mystified/terrified when I see a frenzied crowd like this for a politician that's so empty, so vacuous, so stupid and so unaccomplished.
I wish I could understand this energy; what drives someone to be so desperate for a savior and so credulous despite that human being providing no evidence that they can or are willing to do anything other than grab the reigns of power.
I've mentioned it many times on GAW before, but I'll say it again: The biggest challenge we have is the enormous number of broken people in this country. They cannot be reached by reason, facts or logic. They will drag us down into the abyss unless we find a way to reach them.
Of course, there's also the approach that my extremely based son repeatedly reminds me of: "Dad, there are places where these people could be warehoused".
I think he's joking. Right? He's got to be joking.
Quite a cogent comment.
IMHO, there are two main facets ("energy", as you say) driving people into this state of mindless obeisance -- fear and ego -- and both were employed by the DS players involved in the brainwashing of the public. Right now they're pushing heavy on the fear, telling the non-thinking sheeple that DJT is nothing short of the antichrist himself (their projection of their own demonic character onto Trump). So the sheeple are grasping onto the only option they see currently to avoid what they've been told will be impending doom. Frost that little narrative cupcake with a little ego icing -- "We're such better, kinder, more caring people than those weird, mean maga people" -- et voila!
They truly are "broken people" (nice way to describe them) and have been conditioned to reject "reason, facts or logic", as you noted. As part of the plan, the Q operation has been stripping sheeple off the DS narrative teats, but some will remain, will dig into their positions of willful ignorance, shove their minds, eyes and ears into the proverbial sand like an ostrich and refuse to accept reality despite every indication that they're being deceived by the very people they've trusted.
Some of them will reject the narratives when they see others breaking free, as part of a herd mentality. I think that's what we're seeing a lot of now.
As time goes on and more and more is disclosed about the evil in this world, when the FNM is broken, eradicated and the truth flows freely, more of the sheeple will step away and turn their backs while new generations won't be subject to the indoctrination in the "education" system and so forth. Once the remaining sheeple realize that they never had the moral upper ground (quite the opposite, in fact) the "ego" part of the chains that bound them can be broken. The fear part of those chains may lose potency as they realize that none of the fear porn lies they were fed were true.
All we can do is continue to pray for these broken people (and some of those dearest to my heart are among them) that the Lord imbue them with the spirit and strength to awaken from this nightmare.
Others from Q:
"For many you cannot tell them the truth.
You must show them.
Only at the precipice will people find the will [strength] to change and break the system of control [be free].