Israel for last. I have no idea what the f@ck is going on but what a coincidence we are getting close to the end to this chapter and Israel is front and center.
Prince of Air. . . I thought that was Swalwell.
(Sorry, couldn't resist)
Brings to mind the old motto that starts with "By Way of Deception . . ."
It's hard to imagine just what kind of empty vessel one must be to base their ethos on how well they can deceive, lie, cheat, manipulate, coerce, etc. The concept itself is corrosive to whatever semblance of a soul one may have started out life with. Empty the soul of goodness and love, fill it with evil and malice and elevate money as a measure of one's "worth". Sad. Vapor, air, vacuous, meaningless.
him and Joe Biden too!
indeed it is sad. I often feel pity for these people when they're not actively being wicked. Like what do they even have? They may have all the money and fame in the world but still have nothing