posted ago by SvixGale ago by SvixGale +59 / -0


What specifically & exactly has been done to UN-do all the blatant fraud that has been enacted by legislative fiat in so many states, enabling & allowing them to steal the vote?

I really want to - and do - believe that Trump isn't in this to waste time, but how do you get around the FACT that so many states during the pLandemic rammed through universal voting, registering millions of illegals to vote, universal mail-in voting, etc. etc?

What EXACTLY has been done to roll back ANY of that crap??

As far as I know, the answer is nothing; nothing substantive has been done to roll back the legislation that was passed in the months leading up to the 2020 election.

I believe we've had some victories in the courtroom, but frankly, nothing to write home about, and nothing to undo the massive amounts of legislation - literal acts of state congress - that were rammed through.

Can someone please help me understand?

Thank You!

ETA: Well this is damn great & significant......!!! https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/08/boom-republican-sos-removes-hundreds-non-us-citizens/

"Republican SOS Removes Hundreds of NON-US Citizens From Voter Rolls—Ordered Almost 155K Unqualified Voters To Be Removed Over Past 4 Years"