If that's the plan, it would be to make it super-obvious, even for non-autists, that it was stolen. Obvious enough for everyone (or 94-96% at any rate) to be happy about the military stepping in to fix it.
I'm just relating the theory. If I knew what would happen ... but brainwashing works both ways. And the DNC convention promises some real chaos. That plus the financial collapse will move some needles ... Like Trump says, "Let's see what happens!"
If that's the plan, it would be to make it super-obvious, even for non-autists, that it was stolen. Obvious enough for everyone (or 94-96% at any rate) to be happy about the military stepping in to fix it.
I'm just relating the theory. If I knew what would happen ... but brainwashing works both ways. And the DNC convention promises some real chaos. That plus the financial collapse will move some needles ... Like Trump says, "Let's see what happens!"
Also check this out. https://greatawakening.win/p/17txVrfRxK/the-days-of-fake-news-leading-th/c/
We have a nation of walking zombies incapable of thinking for themselves!