In fact, you feel powerless, and wish the Cavalry would ride in and safe the beleaguered homesteaders.
It is like you were watching television for the first time and thought it all to be "real". And, in a way it is.
" your mind makes it real".
Yet, you are watching a movie. The question then becomes: how do you play this game? Not at all. The solution is not to play.
And for that to happen there is one single matter, broken down into to parts, that is key:
Think for yourself/ free thought.
Trust yourself.
Consider the implication of these two elements. Like water is H2O, there is no water if the two elements are separated. They need to be hooked to each other in the exact right balanced relationship, otherwise, there is now water, no life, no beautiful world to wonder and wander in.
We are taught, from early on, to trust external authority, to accept the thoughts and reasons of external actors. Yes, we were taught to care about people we call stars. However, a casual perusal of "Logical Fallacy 101", brings us the idea that call upon authority is a logical fallacy. Why? Because, if matters solely depend on WHO opines what on a matter, then we have the world we are experiencing, everyday.
Perhaps, you have experienced the power of thought. At a certain moment, a light bulb goes on, like lightning on a clear day. From the darkness, beyond your event horizons, comes a thought.
It happens so now and then, that on GAW, certain posters call it: shower thought. But of course, you may have such an experience while taking a very spiritual dump, or, even simply while slicing bread.
That thought is yours. You would, perhaps, want to give words to it, yet, words always fall short. It may not describe your thought completely, or does not convey the experience in details that are of import.
May writers have sought to encompass their thoughts in words. Especially, in poems. They seek the sequence of words that convey the beauty of thought.
Einmahl für den Unerbittlichem stehen
When using a translator, it only conveys circumscriptions, but not the essence. What the poet describes here in German, is something that cannot be reasoned with, plead with, you cannot change its mind, your cannot bargain, it simply is.
wo nur die Wirklichkeit herscht, grausam und gross
Where only reality rules, cruelly and bigly.
It is derived from a poem called: Schlacht – Das Maß (battle: the rule) by Rudolph Binding. It relates back to the Great War, and the inevitable position in which soldiers were put.
Q calls it: the precipice.
What is keeping people to their senses? The only two items that we all have: free thought and trusting our selves.
This world is constructed in such a way, that you will have to jump through hoops to evade the homogenization and diminution to the level of sheep.
Is this fun? No, not really. Except for one particular item: The building that is you, what are the materials you have build yourself with? That which is susceptible to the effect of fire? Or have you built with materials that are indestructible?
The process of: sometimes you have to show people, allows us to go through a period of tribulation, a time in which the soul of man is tried. So, yes, many of us did not budge when covid came. And whatever is being brought about, we will not bend, break of give in. We will not yield.
By the way, these last words are reminding you of something, yes? Trump said these words quite a number of times during his rallies.
In essence, the way this dimension of life works, is pretty simple. Your thought allows you to be the cause of the creation that follows (cause and effect, mentalism) based on what you perceive.
What you perceive dislocates you from yourself, or not. It has always been that way. However, if we ascend to a higher frequency, and thus different thoughts, we enter into a different world.
You cannot find it in the past, or the future for that matter, but only in now, where you are.
When Moses stood before Pharaoh, he said: I am has sent me to you. Normally, that would be insane, lest the Pharoah knew exactly what he meant. The trials following were exactly that: to test whether it was really: I am.
The key to keeping your wits about you, and not fall victim to desire, to want, is to remain firmly rooted in the here and now, perceptiveness, receptiveness, and, total trust in yourself. From an outside perspective this seems madness. From the inside, it seems only logical, as the path you will take, the next step you will take, will be in harmony with who you really are.
The source is not some app on your phone, the loud screaming of those who are guilty, or fleshly desires, but the connection you maintain with the divine.
It is just a matter of discovery, in an analogy of IT, you already have the Wireshark software to capture the PCAPS of natures internet installed in your memory banks.
I sympathize with the emotion you are expressing.
In fact, you feel powerless, and wish the Cavalry would ride in and safe the beleaguered homesteaders.
It is like you were watching television for the first time and thought it all to be "real". And, in a way it is. " your mind makes it real".
Yet, you are watching a movie. The question then becomes: how do you play this game? Not at all. The solution is not to play.
And for that to happen there is one single matter, broken down into to parts, that is key:
Consider the implication of these two elements. Like water is H2O, there is no water if the two elements are separated. They need to be hooked to each other in the exact right balanced relationship, otherwise, there is now water, no life, no beautiful world to wonder and wander in.
We are taught, from early on, to trust external authority, to accept the thoughts and reasons of external actors. Yes, we were taught to care about people we call stars. However, a casual perusal of "Logical Fallacy 101", brings us the idea that call upon authority is a logical fallacy. Why? Because, if matters solely depend on WHO opines what on a matter, then we have the world we are experiencing, everyday.
Perhaps, you have experienced the power of thought. At a certain moment, a light bulb goes on, like lightning on a clear day. From the darkness, beyond your event horizons, comes a thought.
It happens so now and then, that on GAW, certain posters call it: shower thought. But of course, you may have such an experience while taking a very spiritual dump, or, even simply while slicing bread.
That thought is yours. You would, perhaps, want to give words to it, yet, words always fall short. It may not describe your thought completely, or does not convey the experience in details that are of import.
May writers have sought to encompass their thoughts in words. Especially, in poems. They seek the sequence of words that convey the beauty of thought.
Where only reality rules, cruelly and bigly.
It is derived from a poem called: Schlacht – Das Maß (battle: the rule) by Rudolph Binding. It relates back to the Great War, and the inevitable position in which soldiers were put.
Q calls it: the precipice.
What is keeping people to their senses? The only two items that we all have: free thought and trusting our selves.
This world is constructed in such a way, that you will have to jump through hoops to evade the homogenization and diminution to the level of sheep.
Is this fun? No, not really. Except for one particular item: The building that is you, what are the materials you have build yourself with? That which is susceptible to the effect of fire? Or have you built with materials that are indestructible?
The process of: sometimes you have to show people, allows us to go through a period of tribulation, a time in which the soul of man is tried. So, yes, many of us did not budge when covid came. And whatever is being brought about, we will not bend, break of give in. We will not yield.
By the way, these last words are reminding you of something, yes? Trump said these words quite a number of times during his rallies.
In essence, the way this dimension of life works, is pretty simple. Your thought allows you to be the cause of the creation that follows (cause and effect, mentalism) based on what you perceive.
What you perceive dislocates you from yourself, or not. It has always been that way. However, if we ascend to a higher frequency, and thus different thoughts, we enter into a different world.
You cannot find it in the past, or the future for that matter, but only in now, where you are.
When Moses stood before Pharaoh, he said: I am has sent me to you. Normally, that would be insane, lest the Pharoah knew exactly what he meant. The trials following were exactly that: to test whether it was really: I am.
The key to keeping your wits about you, and not fall victim to desire, to want, is to remain firmly rooted in the here and now, perceptiveness, receptiveness, and, total trust in yourself. From an outside perspective this seems madness. From the inside, it seems only logical, as the path you will take, the next step you will take, will be in harmony with who you really are.
The source is not some app on your phone, the loud screaming of those who are guilty, or fleshly desires, but the connection you maintain with the divine.
It is just a matter of discovery, in an analogy of IT, you already have the Wireshark software to capture the PCAPS of natures internet installed in your memory banks.