posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +44 / -0


Here's what people don't understand about the super-rich wealthy elite banking aristocrats who've been running much of the Western world from behind the curtains for the past 150 years or so. They've been using hand-selected front men/women for whom they rig elections for some time now to fool the populace of various countries into thinking they live in representative republics or democracies.

This elite class of 'hidden' aristocrats are pagans for very deliberate reasons. It's how they justify what their families have been doing to the rest of us for hundreds of years.

When The Enlightenment kicked off in Western civilization [look that up if you don’t know what it means or you happen to be from Rio Linda], and was spectacularly successful at replacing the old pagan world-view of monarchy, those who were literally dethroned immediately set about plotting and scheming about how to get their access to power back.


The Enlightenment is not being utilized to 'deChristianize' the West.

The Enlightenment—especially the founding of the United States and the establishment of a Republican system of government—enshrined the principles of the Christian revelation in Republican forms of government.

The rights of all humans come from God. This is literally one of the founding principles of our American Republic, as enumerated in the Declaration of Independence.

Pagans reject all of this. They hate it with a passion, in fact.

. . . And millions of Americans are now able to comment to each other profusely on social media about the latest Satanic/Pagan spell they are trying to cast on us via their Fake Media. Their playbook is so well known at this point that we're loudly talking about the new gaslighting illusion narrative they're going to try even before they can get themselves into the right position to begin trying to cast it.
