I posted here last November about bloodwork I had done that showed elevated Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, indicating hypothyroidism. Of course the medical professional (RN) I was seeing at the time wanted to put me on Levothyroxine. I resisted, started taking a kelp supplement thanks to the recommendation of the good people on this board, and this year my TSH is well within the normal range. However, unfortunately, now my cholesterol numbers are high, particularly triglycerides, so if anyone has ideas how to get that under control I would appreciate the help. In any case, thanks Great Awakening! Edit to add: The doctor wants me to try diet and exercise for 3 months and then retest cholesterol. So no prescriptions for now. Again, you people are wonderful!
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So the key was low iodine...
Sure looks like it. I was under the assumption that all salt was iodized, but when I checked what I was using it didn't have iodine. So I switched that out, not that I use a lot of salt anyway. Someone on the board said that elements like bromine (in bread) and fluorine (in water) can displace iodine in your system. Fortunately I have well water so no fluoridation, and I switched to a non-fluoridated toothpaste (Tom's of Maine, bonus: cruelty-free) and I don't eat a lot of bread anyway. So I think I'm good on that front.
Easy to look up what foods are high iodine, my go to is Smoked salmon.
Iodine added to salt sublimates into the air very quickly —so even iodized salt is insufficient soon after it’s opened…
Good to know. I plan to keep taking the kelp (iodine) supplement anyway.
My research showed bromine and fluorine actually locked onto the thyroid receptors faster than the iodine, so even if consuming iodized salt, it’s not getting picked up by the thyroid. Food is one of the least understood DS tactics to destroy us.