Have you noticed the total full court press by the media to make Cackles and Tampon Timmy look like they are popular? Cackles is just soooo Brat right now! And seeing the left totally gush over Tampon Timmy! See BS Fake News is even claiming that Cackles was able to pack out a 10,000 seat arena and have an overflow crowd.
That's the problem with lying. Eventually you start to believe the lies yourself. When Cackles gets BTFO'd they are going to have a shrieking meltdown. I absolute think there will be riots. Oh, and lets not forget about all of those military age men crossing our border. Wonder what they are here for....
Riot starting looks to be the only option left for the Deep State if Trump wins
Have you noticed the total full court press by the media to make Cackles and Tampon Timmy look like they are popular? Cackles is just soooo Brat right now! And seeing the left totally gush over Tampon Timmy! See BS Fake News is even claiming that Cackles was able to pack out a 10,000 seat arena and have an overflow crowd.
That's the problem with lying. Eventually you start to believe the lies yourself. When Cackles gets BTFO'd they are going to have a shrieking meltdown. I absolute think there will be riots. Oh, and lets not forget about all of those military age men crossing our border. Wonder what they are here for....
Exactly my thoughts (Your last statement)