Our problem is that we've all been taught that violence is never the answer. And we've been taught this by people for whom violence is the first and only answer.
Humanity has largely been taught to not defend itself.
Jesus says turn the other cheek, but noone mentions how he whipped the money changers out of the temple... perhaps a whipping is necessary (rhetorically for the mods reading this)
Our problem is that we've all been taught that violence is never the answer. And we've been taught this by people for whom violence is the first and only answer.
Humanity has largely been taught to not defend itself.
Jesus says turn the other cheek, but noone mentions how he whipped the money changers out of the temple... perhaps a whipping is necessary (rhetorically for the mods reading this)
The temple is His, and was being used for unholy purposes.
That is the context, yes.