Kamala Rally the fakest I ever saw. They intermittently show a crowd scene that could be anywhere from any event its so far away, then they switch to showing the stage very close up, they mix this up with the host gushing. And the Audience response sounds too fake. Too frequent of a response...
🧠 These people are stupid!
Where in Arizona. Anyone in that city notice an impact in traffic around that stadium? Surely there is conservat I ve press in her press corps. This is way too easy to disprove in real time.
Didn't notice shit and didn't even know it had happened. No signs, banners, etc that I noticed. This is weird. It was supposedly not very open to the public but an influx of a supposed 20k people would have been noticed.
Yup. Reality needs documenting. Lines before, present and pictures at event, traffic going home.