89 TRUMP/MUSK INTERVIEW: What's on the menu? Todays main course is Reeeee with 2 sides of reeeeee and for dessert a bowl of ReEeEeEeeeee!!! (media.scored.co) - SALT - posted 6 months ago by catsfive 6 months ago by catsfive +89 / -0 16 comments share 16 comments share save hide report block hide replies
the normies believe this shit, so don't sit so comfortably.
Easy Fren. We are not here to beat down each other's observations. If a rational person listened to the interview and then read these headlines, they can think for themselves. Certainly not all of them but it will Awaken some more minds.imho
Biggest take away is most don't even touch the content of the interview but just make fun of Trump and/or Elon. That right there speaks volumes.