I didn't say TPV is false. I said TPV tends to post sensational posts with no sauce, and it happens again and again.
The reason it matters is because it makes us look like retards when we claim these things are true and tell normies around us.
Again, its quite possible that these doctors were going to "expose" mRNA link to TurboCancer (I mean, hasn't this been exposed a 1000 times already?) but that can be confirmed only with sauce.
I didn't say TPV is false. I said TPV tends to post sensational posts with no sauce, and it happens again and again.
The reason it matters is because it makes us look like retards when we claim these things are true and tell normies around us.
Again, its quite possible that these doctors were going to "expose" mRNA link to TurboCancer (I mean, hasn't this been exposed a 1000 times already?) but that can be confirmed only with sauce.