No, it isnt knowledge. Us learning it doesnt mean we accumulate knowledge. We need to practise too but eventually we progress through ascending through densities (vibration) and this makes us understand how to serve God through his creation.
I see. I don't discount the primary mechanisms of frequency (tone) and vibration (amplitude) in God's creation. My stance is that we can only be reunited with God by having faith in His Son Jesus Christ. It is fine to observe and inquire into aspects of creation, and I'd argue it is actually encouraged by God, but man cannot reach God via any means aside from belief in what Jesus did for us at the cross some 2,000 years ago.
The old way was to do a bunch of stuff and not do a bunch of other stuff (the Old Testament law) but that didn't result in much. Christ came and made the way much simpler, and that's what I stick to.
No, it isnt knowledge. Us learning it doesnt mean we accumulate knowledge. We need to practise too but eventually we progress through ascending through densities (vibration) and this makes us understand how to serve God through his creation.
I see. I don't discount the primary mechanisms of frequency (tone) and vibration (amplitude) in God's creation. My stance is that we can only be reunited with God by having faith in His Son Jesus Christ. It is fine to observe and inquire into aspects of creation, and I'd argue it is actually encouraged by God, but man cannot reach God via any means aside from belief in what Jesus did for us at the cross some 2,000 years ago.
The old way was to do a bunch of stuff and not do a bunch of other stuff (the Old Testament law) but that didn't result in much. Christ came and made the way much simpler, and that's what I stick to.