I had to reflect on that for a moment to really grasp the total find fuck these people live in:
they cannot name one single actual thing shit for brain cackling kneepad had done to improve something.
these people are there because they are attracted to the " energy" .
I guess, low energy Jeb, was an understatement in comparison.
I guess, it is the difference of being against (TDS) or being for something. After all, for is the cause of creation. Creation takes energy, and these people are totally void of it.
I had to reflect on that for a moment to really grasp the total find fuck these people live in:
I guess, low energy Jeb, was an understatement in comparison.
I guess, it is the difference of being against (TDS) or being for something. After all, for is the cause of creation. Creation takes energy, and these people are totally void of it.