I would not be surprised to find that his attitudes consists mainly of the same of Admiral Canaris. (think: Route to Gibraltar and Franco' s demands, landing of US forces in Morrocco, etc)
Polish officials have resisted cooperating with an international probe into the sabotage of the Nord Stream natural-gas pipelines and failed to disclose potentially crucial evidence, according to European investigators working on the case.
Wait...I thought the US was responsible for it? Guess we found someone else to blame? "Dude...you gotta take the rap for it...we just broke you off like $60B..."
Quite the careeer this Mr. Hanning .....
Here is an interesting article: https://www.dw.com/en/neo-nazi-inquiry-probes-intelligence-agency/a-16421468
compare: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/inconvenient-truth-germany-antisemitism-august-hanning
I would not be surprised to find that his attitudes consists mainly of the same of Admiral Canaris. (think: Route to Gibraltar and Franco' s demands, landing of US forces in Morrocco, etc)
From January 2024
Wait...I thought the US was responsible for it? Guess we found someone else to blame? "Dude...you gotta take the rap for it...we just broke you off like $60B..."
Yes, it is all lies and 'Nebelkerzen'.
Looks like fake news