Another Suspicious Moment in DNC Pipe Bomb Mystery | An unidentified individual carrying a bag exited a police vehicle then walked toward the location where the device was "found" about 15 minutes later. There are no coincidences.
... Major news outlets, including those with full time J6 beat reporters, have completely ignored the shocking findings recently confirmed by DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari related to the Secret Service’s role in the events of January 6. Cuffari determined Kamala Harris, the incoming vice president and U.S. Senator at the time and now Democratic candidate for president, came within 20 feet of the alleged explosive when she inexplicably left the Capitol at 11:22 a.m. to visit the Democratic National Committee headquarters instead of staying behind to relish her history-making moment.
Yet she has never discussed nor been asked about her near-assassination attempt. And perhaps for good reason.
... The government also inexplicably misled the courts about Harris’s whereabouts on January 6. The Department of Justice claimed in hundreds of charging documents against J6ers that Harris was at the Capitol during the protest, lending credence to charges that the area was off limits. The DOJ later had to confess that wasn’t true.
... Ghosting her whereabouts on January 6 appears to be another way in which the media is rewriting her history.
Lots of video clips at that link.
🤡🤡🤡 are responsible for this crap... Just like every other thing like this... and foreign intel agencies.
We, the people, aren't sadistic animals... We've got more firepower than most armies of the world combined. Texas alone is "well stocked" by law abiding, God -fearing Americans.
We're all getting real tired of the lies....