To add j read someone saying how sad it is that kids are going to be there. If the parents are to stupid and insane -NOT- to believe that the violence has always been perpetrated by their own cult mentalities of superiority (aka fascism) — well they are only making a biblical principle seen. The children will reap what their parents have done.
This goes for all of us though on many levels but if a parent is taking them to the most dangerous event in the past decade, well we need to pray and ask Jesus to have His way and people have free will to reap what they have sown.
Maybe nothing will happen. The risk of something happening is huge and if I lived around that area and I paid attention—I would go on vacation that week.
To add j read someone saying how sad it is that kids are going to be there. If the parents are to stupid and insane -NOT- to believe that the violence has always been perpetrated by their own cult mentalities of superiority (aka fascism) — well they are only making a biblical principle seen. The children will reap what their parents have done.
This goes for all of us though on many levels but if a parent is taking them to the most dangerous event in the past decade, well we need to pray and ask Jesus to have His way and people have free will to reap what they have sown.
Maybe nothing will happen. The risk of something happening is huge and if I lived around that area and I paid attention—I would go on vacation that week.