Have you seen any of the documentaries about Jonestown? Really creepy! And one thing that stood out to me was that there were a few who didn't want to drink the cyanide coolaide, but were either forced to or shot. What is really interesting is that there were a few of the thugs who were Jones assistants who seemed to have made it out alive, with an unknown quantity of cash. I have never heard what happened to them.
Either the Shot..OR the Jonestown Kool-Aid???
Have you seen any of the documentaries about Jonestown? Really creepy! And one thing that stood out to me was that there were a few who didn't want to drink the cyanide coolaide, but were either forced to or shot. What is really interesting is that there were a few of the thugs who were Jones assistants who seemed to have made it out alive, with an unknown quantity of cash. I have never heard what happened to them.
Probably went right back to the CIA farm for their next assignment.