She Prays Over Her Food
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True. And that point was known by cultures all over the world for many years. It's called the Doctrine of Signatures.
My grandfather was native and it's interesting how in the native tongue many foods are named after the human body or were used for their resemblance to the body parts.
Strawberries were called "heart berries" (we know now that they are beneficial to the heart).
Ginseng was call "man root" (for libido) not only in my grandfather's tongue but also in Asia.
The milky sap from milkweed was used as a lotion by pregnant women to ease breast soreness.
There are many more I could list.
That is fab info, thank you and I will save as reference to dive further in 🙂
Isn't it funny. Anyone might think our language had been deliberately diminuted over time... 😉
This is good information.