Real Jews died out alongside Jesus Christ because for them converting was not an option. The Jews of today stole the identity of those they murdered. They were persecuted for their actions, not their belief. They were kicked out of Spain when they found a little girl completely drained of blood. What about the other 108 countries that kicked them out?
Romans 2:28-29.
For no one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical. But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.
Because they are not part of Gods mission, they are no longer considered the people of God. You cannot be in direct opposition to Jesus Christ, who is the true Israel, and consider yourself as still being a Jew. You are, as Paul said, only one outwardly.
So the Jews are the problem? Is this correct?
Only one of many "problem children" that need to be properly disciplined.
The problem cannot be viewed in black and white only.
Heh, where ya been buddy? Welcome.
Real Jews died out alongside Jesus Christ because for them converting was not an option. The Jews of today stole the identity of those they murdered. They were persecuted for their actions, not their belief. They were kicked out of Spain when they found a little girl completely drained of blood. What about the other 108 countries that kicked them out?
Because they are not part of Gods mission, they are no longer considered the people of God. You cannot be in direct opposition to Jesus Christ, who is the true Israel, and consider yourself as still being a Jew. You are, as Paul said, only one outwardly.