I'm wondering if anyone has made a successful purchase with these guys within the past few months?
When you fill out their shopping cart they send you a payment email that takes you to a PayPal invoice.
My Spidey senses are up a bit.
I'd like your current opinion on this website.
Lucky dog. Horses generally mean natural, minimal people, spaces. I love my home in the suburbs, and will be happy to die here, but I will die trying to get some land and some space like that. My heart is in the mountains. My life is currently in Texas. A pretty decent second. Ideally, I will manage to have both. I probably wouldn't ever have horses, I'm a little old to learn that responsibility, but boy would I love to take care of animals of some sort. For now, it's the rabbits and the squirrels and the birds who also keep to the suburbs. Until then, color me jealous.
The responsibility isn’t for me. Sure, I buy the hay etc. and etc to infinity 🤣 but they are a teaching tool.