I suppose what I meant to illustrate was that the cabal has more than one faction. They even compete with each other over who gets to be at the top. Lucifer is their ultimate diety despite the various idols in between, and the Tower of Babel is their ultimate form of power on earth. Whether the head is led by a single man (the anti-christ) or by some type of council, the structure itself is the same top-down totalitarianism. I think God is opposed to any global structure such as this and that we should oppose any push to globalize the world under one government. It's a satanic wet-dream to have such a power structure, just waiting to be taken over!
With this core understanding out of the way, the tangible cabal may be easier to track down. I think focusing on one faction to the exclusion of the others is harmful to the overall goal. I'm guilty of it myself, but when I let that go I discovered more puzzle pieces. (I am targeting this at the "everything bad is the Jews fault" crowd).
Vatican bad? Oh it was good once, but now it's infiltrated by the Jews.
Freemasons bad? Oh it was good before Jews took it over
Hitler bad? Oh, Hitler was Jewish 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my personal favorite..
Personally I went through a phase of "everything bad = Vatican" but have recently learned not to exclude other groups. I still maintain that the Vatican is the main cabal HQ, but there are other HQ's. It's like whack-a-mole trying to pin down the hubs, but it's necessary to do. It should be done quickly too, while we still have the internet and before they close up shop, rebrand & relocate. They historically have done this every time the people had one of their factions pinned. The only faction that has remained under the same banner and in basically the same spot is the Vatican. But the smaller "orders" just shuffle around on the board of prominence, go into hiding, pop out somewhere else, either with the same name or a new one, but they maintain their symbolism. Sun god, Lucifer, moon god, penis god, vagina god, whatever. Master race, enlightened ones, gnostic esoteric bullshit and superstitions which WE suffer under the folly of these idiot bastards despite not believing in their delusions!
Zionism Nazism Papal Temporal Powers Jewish Supremecy White Supremecy Black Supremecy Chinese Supremecy it's all the same fkn shit
I suppose what I meant to illustrate was that the cabal has more than one faction. They even compete with each other over who gets to be at the top. Lucifer is their ultimate diety despite the various idols in between, and the Tower of Babel is their ultimate form of power on earth. Whether the head is led by a single man (the anti-christ) or by some type of council, the structure itself is the same top-down totalitarianism. I think God is opposed to any global structure such as this and that we should oppose any push to globalize the world under one government. It's a satanic wet-dream to have such a power structure, just waiting to be taken over!
With this core understanding out of the way, the tangible cabal may be easier to track down. I think focusing on one faction to the exclusion of the others is harmful to the overall goal. I'm guilty of it myself, but when I let that go I discovered more puzzle pieces. (I am targeting this at the "everything bad is the Jews fault" crowd).
Vatican bad? Oh it was good once, but now it's infiltrated by the Jews.
Freemasons bad? Oh it was good before Jews took it over
Hitler bad? Oh, Hitler was Jewish 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my personal favorite..
Personally I went through a phase of "everything bad = Vatican" but have recently learned not to exclude other groups. I still maintain that the Vatican is the main cabal HQ, but there are other HQ's. It's like whack-a-mole trying to pin down the hubs, but it's necessary to do. It should be done quickly too, while we still have the internet and before they close up shop, rebrand & relocate. They historically have done this every time the people had one of their factions pinned. The only faction that has remained under the same banner and in basically the same spot is the Vatican. But the smaller "orders" just shuffle around on the board of prominence, go into hiding, pop out somewhere else, either with the same name or a new one, but they maintain their symbolism. Sun god, Lucifer, moon god, penis god, vagina god, whatever. Master race, enlightened ones, gnostic esoteric bullshit and superstitions which WE suffer under the folly of these idiot bastards despite not believing in their delusions!
Zionism Nazism Papal Temporal Powers Jewish Supremecy White Supremecy Black Supremecy Chinese Supremecy it's all the same fkn shit