🚨Democrat Governor of Kentucky, Andrew Beshear, Calls For Member of J. D. Vance's Family To Be Raped! 🚨 🔥Vance Responds With Fire!🔥
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
How would you interpret "Make him go through this!"
We already know that Andrew Beshear took J.D. Vance's words out of context as far as his position on abortion: https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-vp-finalist-jd-vance-under-scrutiny-past-abortion-comments
Here's the salient point, if you don't want to read the politifact.com article to the end:
"During the Oct. 10 debate,(with Ryan) Vance said that the 10-year-old Ohio girl who was raped should have a right to an abortion if she and her family want one."